June 2021
As the new design has been implemented with some flows on mobile devices and lack of some features, we were always keeping in mind that we’d like something more effective and unique. We were holding our breath to spit out the idea of “Depmod Version 3”.
We were not ready for that step yet and still were hoping that we could manage DB in other way than it was always been handled. At one point, we were unable to use the software Depmod uses for updates and management and we were stuck. No more updates were possible ever since. We had to make a strategic decision about future of Depmod: whether to have a virtual museum or make a complete new website from dead Zero. We always had in our minds that Depmod Worldwide community deserves best and we could not go just for something easy.
It took a few months to sum up all Pro and Cons, and find a proper programmer who would make it all right, as per our needs. Sven have found Germany based programmer/designer as the best way to handle and manage the site building process. Quote was fair enough, but anyway we could not handle it by our own forces. We have decided to go for a Campaign of crowdfunding, where we could sell site merchandize and accept donations for our needs. Shortly as December 2020 started we have launched the Campaign were we offered old site merchandize along with some new exclusive pieces.
During few months we have collected all of the required funds and even a bit over it. It was truly magic moment to see how our call for help was accepted by many Depmod Community Members.
Taking this moment, we would like to thank all who took part in this challenge:
Stefan Bachmann, Noel Draper, Thomas Bienmuller, Fredrik Store, Ronze, Thomas Dörnte, Tony Brenton, Stephen Cox, Bruno Bichbois, Carsten CPR, Jens Kasten, Norbert, Luca Urbani, Rikard Zetterberg, Gaspard Thaller, Kevin, Carl Wilson, Peter Degn, Thomas Bastian, Seb Dezso, Daniel Dobbs, David Belis, Hagen Eltzsch, Andras Varsanyi, Roman Belosic, Jan Hritz, Thomas Kockeis, Andras Varsanyi, Betina Rasmussen, Henrik Glassow Nielsen, Shinji, Jean-Marie, Henrik Strafstom, Nazareth, Jost Görig, György László Bakai.
Hopefully we have not missed anyone and if yes, we are asking you to inform us, all the Depmod V3 heroes are have to be known!
As soon as we have had all required funds, Sven started to work tightly with future site programmer. It was very important to start with all data on hand, all requests and requirements we’ve been looking for on Depmod, nothing should be missed. Sven did unique, one of a kind site planning and mapping, to make the other party have all tools in hands for best work.
After a few months we have had first previews which led to prosper process and site construction continuation. Raph Masse has been aside with us to prepare logos. We are appreciating his endless support.
We are scheduling to have a Beta launch of the site on 01 of July 2021.
A must mentioning, that our long time friend and collaborator: Shinji, has joined the Team as Content Editor. With his skills and brilliancy of implementation we have all data intact and shiny! Thank you!
Vlad Jonathan Lee