
  • MC
  • 19-03-1990
  • 9 Song(s)
  • 46m 56s

General Info

Original Release Date: 19-03-1990


Variation / Barcode / Matrix

  • Variation 1

    SR – Transparent tape case, Shape inc, no indicators in the timing window

    Barcode: 0 7599-26081-4 5

    Matrix Code Mould Sid Code Mastering Sid Code
  • Variation 2

    AR – Transparent tape casel, Shape inc, small lines under the timing window


    Matrix Code Mould Sid Code Mastering Sid Code


Several tape case variation exist - only for 2 so far images were submitted:
1. SR - Transparent tape case, Shape inc, no indicators in the timing window
2. AR - Transparent tape casel, Shape inc, small lines under the timing window

3. SR - Transparent tape case, no indicators in the timing window
4. SR - Transparent tape casegrey paper in shell, Shape inc., small lines under timing window
5. SR - Transparent tape case, small lines under timing window
6. SR - Transparent tape case, black paper in shell, very small timing window
7. SR - Transparent tape case, dots in the timing window
8. SR - Transparent tape case, Shape inc, no indicators in the timing window